Monthly Archives: January 2021

Build Europe commits to the European Green Deal with 21 proposals


Build Europe, the leading European trade association for developers and housebuilders, today publishes a report designed to help European policymakers meet the EU’s environmental objectives and aiming to protect the purchasing power of European households in terms of both home ownership and renting. Build Europe's Green Deal and Renovation Wave includes 21 proposals from developers [...]

Build Europe commits to the European Green Deal with 21 proposals2023-12-11T09:33:47+01:00

Build Europe s’engage : 21 propositions pour le Pacte vert pour l’Europe


Build Europe, la principale association représentant les promoteurs, constructeurs et aménageurs de l'UE, publie aujourd'hui un livret destiné à aider les décideurs politiques européens à atteindre les objectifs environnementaux au niveau européen et ayant pour ligne directrice de ne pas pénaliser encore le pouvoir d’achat immobilier des ménages européens tant en accession qu’a la location. [...]

Build Europe s’engage : 21 propositions pour le Pacte vert pour l’Europe2023-12-11T09:33:47+01:00

Build Europe si impegna: 21 proposte per sostenere il Patto verde europeo


Build Europe, la principale associazione di imprenditori edili, e costruttori in Europa, pubblica oggi un rapporto destinato ad aiutare i responsabili politici europei a raggiungere gli obiettivi ambientali a livello europeo rendendo al contempo gli alloggi più accessibili finanziariamente, soprattutto a tutela dei cittadini europei colpiti dalle ripercussioni economiche della crisi dovuta al Covid-19. Il [...]

Build Europe si impegna: 21 proposte per sostenere il Patto verde europeo2023-12-11T09:33:47+01:00

Build Europe se compromete: 21 propuestas para apoyar el Pacto Verde Europeo


Build Europe, la principal asociación de empresarios y constructores de Europa, publica hoy un informe destinado a ayudar a los funcionarios europeos a alcanzar sus objetivos ambientales y, al mismo tiempo, a hacer más asequible las viviendas en toda Europa, especialmente para proteger a los ciudadanos afectados por las repercusiones económicas de la crisis de [...]

Build Europe se compromete: 21 propuestas para apoyar el Pacto Verde Europeo2023-12-11T09:33:47+01:00

Build Europe verbindt zich tot de European Green Deal met 21 voorstellen


Build Europe, de toonaangevende Europese handelsvereniging voor projectontwikkelaars en woningbouwers, publiceert vandaag een rapport dat bedoeld is om de Europese beleidsmakers te helpen de milieudoelstellingen van de EU te verwezenlijken en de huisvesting beter betaalbaar te maken voor de EU-burgers die getroffen zijn door de economische gevolgen van de Covid-19-pandemie. Build Europe's Green Deal and [...]

Build Europe verbindt zich tot de European Green Deal met 21 voorstellen2023-12-11T09:33:47+01:00

Build Europe welcomes the Bulgarian Construction Chamber!


Build Europe would like to start 2021 by welcoming the Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC), which joined the Association as Observer member. The Bulgarian Construction Chamber attended several Build Europe’s conferences in 2020, especially during the Covid-19 crisis, and actively cooperated to the creation of the booklet “Housing: A European Challenge”, which was launched successfully during [...]

Build Europe welcomes the Bulgarian Construction Chamber!2023-12-11T09:33:48+01:00
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