Union Professionnelle du Secteur Immobilier – Beroepsvereniging van de Vastgoedsector (BELGIUM)

Union Professionnelle du Secteur Immobilier – Beroepsvereniging van de Vastgoedsector (UPSI – BVS), the Professional Association of Real Estate Sector has a long history dating back to 1956.It brings together developers, builders, and real estate investors in Belgium.

The UPSI – BVS represents its members at a federal and regional level and provides public authorities with strategic advice. It also plays an important role within federal and local committees for territorial planning.

Address: Rue de la Violette 43 1000 Bruxelles
Tel.: + 32 (0)2511 47 90
Fax: +32 (0)2219 71 99
E-mail: info@upsi-bvs.be
Website: www.upsi-bvs.be

Stéphan Sonneville

Bulgarian Construction Chamber – Камара на строителите в България (BULGARIA)

Bulgarian Construction Chamber – Камара на строителите в България (BCC) is a legal entity established on the grounds of the Chamber of Builders Act of 2006. The BCC is an independent, voluntary professional association and an official representative of builders in Bulgaria. It comprises around 3,000 members and works through 27 regional offices in the country.

The Chamber is a member of the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC), European International Contractors (EIC), the Confederation of International Contractors’ Associations (CICA), Build Europe, the Confederation of Employers, and Industrialists in Bulgaria (CEIB), the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA), and the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI).

Address: 1784 Sofia, zh. k. Mladost, 6 Mihail Tenev str., Bulgaria
Tel.: + 359 (0)2 806 29 10
Fax: 02 963 24 25
E-mail: office@ksb.bg
Website: ksb.bg

Ing. Iliyan Terziev

Glavbolgarstroy Holding AD (BULGARIA)

Glavbolgarstroy (GBS) is the largest construction corporate group in Bulgaria and one of the largest construction companies in the region of South-Eastern Europe (SEE). It is among the 30 biggest holding structures in the country, possessing a considerable market share in the Bulgarian construction market.

The group has 53 years of extensive experience and a number of successfully implemented landmark projects in Europe, Central & North Asia and the Middle East. The corporate group specializes mainly in infrastructure construction (transport, water, energy, etc.), as well as in the realization of residential, commercial and industrial construction projects.

Address: 3-5 Damyanitsa Str., 1619 Sofia, Bulgaria; “Belliard 40” Building, 15, Rue de la Science, 3rd floor, Brussels 1000, Belgium
Tel.: + 359 2 91 51 700 (Bulgaria); + 32 2 675 61 15 (Belgium)
Fax: + 359 2 95 71 088
E-mail: office@gbs-bg.com; brussels-office@gbs-bg.com
Website: gbs-bg.com

Kalin Peshov

Association of Czech Developers – Asociace Developerů (CZECH REPUBLIC)

Since its establishment in 2015, the Association of Czech Developers represents companies from the real estate development sector toward political and institutional stakeholders, and towards the public.

The main goal of the association is addressing key legislative issues shaping the entrepreneurial environment for real estate developers in all segments. The association aims at improvement of the image and reputation of the development sector while maintaining and enforcing Code of Ethics for its members.

Address: Na Příkopě 583/15, 110 00 Prague 1
Tel.: + 420 602 231 057
E-mail: info@wedevelop.cz
Website: https://www.wedevelop.cz/

Tomáš Kadeřábek

Fédération des Promoteurs Immobiliers (FRANCE)

Fédération des Promoteurs Immobiliers (FPI), the Federation of Real Estate Developers, dates back to 1971 when two French developers and house builders’ trade unions merged to become the National Federation of Developers and Constructors (FNPC), changing to its current name in 2005.

The FPI is the only professional organization representing private-sector developers in France and it is a trusted partner of public administration, government and parliamentarians. It is actively involved in the decision-making process of laws and regulations concerning the different areas of activity of its members.

Address: 106 rue de l’Université 75007 PARIS
Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 05 44 36
Fax: +33 (0)1 47 53 92 73
E-mail: contact@fpifrance.fr
Website: www.fpifrance.fr

Pascal Boulanger

Union Nationale des Aménageurs (FRANCE)

The UNAM is a professional organisation dedicated exclusively to planning. It brings together 300 companies, mostly private, distributed among 14 regional chambers. It assists its Members in fulfilling a mission of general interest to participate in an operational way in the planning of the cities, towns and villages, in consultation with the elected officials and the public authorities.


Address: 80 rue de Miromesnil / 75 008 Paris / France
Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 20 09 10
Fax: +33 (0)1 44 20 00 79
E-mail: contact@unam-territoires.fr
Website: https://www.unam-territoires.fr/

François Rieussec


The Pôle Habitat FFB is the leading representative organization of private real estate construction in France. As part of the French Building Federation (Fédération Française du Bâtiment), it brings together the major professions in private project management, which are at the heart of housing and residential policies : home builders, real estate developers, land developers, and global renovators. These complementary and united professions work together to develop collective intelligence and address the diverse housing needs expressed across all regions of the country.

The Pôle Habitat FFB represents over 1,130 members to public authorities, national institutions, and specialized organizations, aggregating 1,600 operators active in the various residential housing markets.

Address : 6-14, rue La Pérouse, 75116 PARIS
Tel. : +33 (0)1 40 69 58 40
Email : contact@habitat.ffbatiment.fr
Website : https://www.polehabitat-ffb.com/

Grégory Monod

Bundesverband Freier Immobilien- und Wohnungsunternehmen (GERMANY)

The BFW, Federal Association of Private Real Estate and Housing Companies, functions as the mouthpiece for private housing and real estate companies and is the political engine for the concerns of its members in Germany. Besides having their interests represented to politicians and administrations, the companies also benefit from the comprehensive service offering of the BFW. Reliable and favorable general conditions are a prime concern in the association’s work. Issues specifically relating to the real estate industry, including technical, planning, economic and environmental matters, are critically scrutinized and constructive solutions for the member companies are tabled in close dialogue with politicians and administrators.

Address: Französische Straße 55 D-10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 327 81-0
Fax: +49 (0) 30 32781-2 99
E-mail: office@bfw-bund.de
Website: www.bfw-bund.de

Dirk Salewski

Irish Home Builders Association (IRELAND)

The IHBA provides house builders and developers with the information and knowledge required to operate successfully in today’s complex, fast-changing and increasingly challenging regulatory and business environment.

With the ever changing landscape of the Irish construction industry in mind the CIF, through the IHBA provides a broad range of services designed to support companies engaged in the development and housing sectors, to all members that interface with the statutory planning system and building control systems.

Address: Construction House, Canal Road, Dublin 6 (Ireland)
Tel.: +353 (0)1 406 6000
E-mail: info@cif.ie
Website: https://cif.ie/associations/irish-home-builders-association/

Conor O’Connell

Chambre Immobilière du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg (LUXEMBOURG)

For nearly 50 years, the Chambre Immobilière of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has been an independent, non-profit organisation. Its main mission is to guarantee quality relations between its members and their clients. The federation brings together 200 real estate professionals, from the three major trades of the sector: real estate agent, trustee of joint ownership/property manager and developer. By signing the charter of the Chambre Immobilière of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, they commit themselves to providing high-quality services, aimed at fully satisfying customers, within the framework of a strict code of ethics.

Address: 7, rue Alcide de Gasperi, L-2014 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 439 444 1
E-Mail: reception@clc.lu
Website: www.cigdl.lu

Jean-Paul Scheuren

Malta Developers Association (MALTA)

Set up in 2011, the Malta Developers Association (MDA) is the highest body and voice of private Real Estate developers in Malta.

The MDA links private real estate developers to the relevant state authorities and to customers through numerous initiatives and activities. In particular, it promotes responsible development and ownership of real estate in Malta through legislative advocacy, educational programs and professional networking opportunities.

Address: Triq I-Orsolini Gwardamangia Pieta’ PTA 1227
Tel.: +356 2142 4485
Fax: + 356 2142 4487
E-Mail: info@mda.com.mt

Michael Stivala

Syndicat des Promoteurs Immobiliers de la Principauté de Monaco (MONACO)

Several real estate developers in the Principality of Monaco expressed the wish at the end of 2015 to create an independent Syndicat Patronal dedicated to their profession. This wish became a reality on 9 March 2016, at the first Ordinary General Assembly of the Syndicat des Promoteurs Immobiliers, following the validation of its statutes, filed with the Monaco Government by four Founders, by Ministerial Decree n°2015-743 of 11th December 2015.

Its missions include:

  • ensuring the defense of all the professional, economic, social, and commercial interests of its members with the authorities and the various economic actors of the Principality;
  • exchanging and raising awareness on the issues impacting the construction, urbanism, taxation, and housing sectors;
  • Supporting its Members and responding to their needs;
  • Listening to its members to support them in the framework of the requests which will be made to it;
  • Raising awareness on the role, the responsibilities, and the extent of the prerogatives of the Profession of Real Estate Developer in Monaco.

Contact details :
« Le Prestige »
25, chemin des Révoires – BP 10
MC 98001 MONACO Cedex
Tél +377 93 25 04 00
Fax +377 93 50 78 06
Email jb_pastor@libello.com

President: Patrice Pastor.

Patrice Pastor


NEPROM is the industry association for socially responsible project and area developers in the Netherlands. The organization promotes the professionalization, innovation, and development of the sector, with a focus on addressing spatial and societal challenges. In collaboration with its members, governments, and partners, NEPROM contributes to solutions for current and future challenges through the development of projects and areas. Members are encouraged to lead the way and help shape a future-proof Netherlands. Companies wishing to become members of NEPROM must demonstrate good conduct. NEPROM holds its members to the highest standards of care, integrity, and social responsibility.

Address: Johanna Westerdijkplein 1, 2521 EN, Den Haag
Tel.: + 31 (0)70 386 6264

Fahid Minhas

Norwegian Home Builders’ Association (NORWAY)

Boligprodusentenes Forening, the Norwegian Home Builders’ Association, is the trade organisation for the residential producing companies in Norway. The association has nearly 800 member companies which account for over half of residential construction in the country.

The Association is the leading voice of housing policies in Norway. Its activities are especially geared towards industrial policy issues and development in residential construction. The purpose is to promote quality housing and profitable production.

Address: Middelthunsgt. 270368 Oslo Postbox 7186 Majorstuen 0307 Oslo
Tel.: +47 23 08 75 00
Fax: +47 23 08 75 20
E-mail: post@boligprodusentene.no
Website :http://boligprodusentene.no/bli-medlem/

Benth A. Eik

Polski Związek Firm Deweloperskich (POLAND) 

PZFD is the largest and most influential organization in the development industry, which has been representing the interests of development companies in Poland since 2002. We take action to create good laws, improve investment conditions in the real estate market, professional development of employees of member companies and improve the image of the industry. PZFD associates 300 companies: developers who build apartments, offices, hotels, service and commercial spaces, warehouses or PRS as well as cubature car parks.

Address: Plac Trzech Krzyży 10/14, 00-499 Warsaw, Poland
Tel.: +48 22 745 01 00
Fax: +48 22 622 53 49
Email: biuro@pzfd.pl
Website: http://www.pzfd.pl/

Maciej Wandzel

Portuguese Association of Real Estate Developers and Investors – Associação Portuguesa de Promotores e Investidores Imobiliários (PORTUGAL)

Created in 1991, the Portuguese Association of Real Estate Developers and Investors currently represents around 15% of Portugal’s GDP. APPII represents the most relevant real estate developers and investors with activity in Portugal.

The Portuguese Association of Real Estate Developers and Investor counts with roughly 200 companies, of which 50% are foreign companies with activity in the Country. APPII is very focused on the help and support provided to these type of players and it represents a unique point of contact of the main stakeholders in the Portuguese real estate market. The Portuguese Association of Real Estate Developers and Investor is with no doubt a privileged center for the exchange of ideas, experiences, knowledge, business contacts and an easier and effective way to access the Portuguese governmental entities.

Address: Rua Tierno Galvan, Torre 3 Amoreiras, 6º Piso, Sala 607, 1070-274 Lisboa
Tel.: +351 213877749
E-mail: geral@appii.pt
Website: https://appii.pt/en/

Hugo Santos Ferreira

Patronatul Societăților din Construcții (ROMANIA)

Patronatul Societăților din Construcții (PSC), the Ownership of Romanian Constructors, is a nationwide association bringing together companies in the Romanian Construction sector.

As the official partner of the Government and trade unions in the Romanian tripartite social dialogue committees, the PSC represents the interests of its members in this forum as well plays an important role in the Romanian decision-making process of legislation at a national and local level.

Address: 20-22 Alexandrina Street, Block C4, 2nd Floor, Apartment 5, District 1, Bucharest, Romania
Tel: +40-72 613 86 62
E-mail: office@psc.ro
Website: www.psc.ro

Liviu Iulian Simion

Developer and House Builders Association of Zaragoza (SPAIN)

ACPZ is a business organization that represents the interests of developers and home builders based in Zaragoza (Spain) (the fifth city of Spain with 700.000 inhabitants).

ACPZ is a member of the Association of Developers and Builders of Spain (APCE) and the National Construction Confederation (CNC) and, through this, of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations(CEOE).

ACPZ enjoys a recognized prestige in its work of advising and defending the business interests of the sector and actively participates in the processes of approval of new regulations.

Address: Plaza de Roma, F-1, Planta 1ª, Ofic Nº 850010 Zaragoza
Tel.: +34 976-325797
Email: info@fecza.es
Website: http://www.construccionaragon.es

José Luis Roca Castillo

Asociación de Promotores Constructores de España (APCEspaña) (SPAIN)

The Spanish Association of Promoters and Builders (APCE Spain) is the national representative organisation of the promotional and construction business sector. Founded in 1968, it represents 95% of the sector thanks to more than twenty associations that, in turn, accommodate over 3,000 companies related to the real estate industry.
Accessibility to housing and the professionalisation of a key industry for the economy are its main objectives. With the collaboration of our associates, we advance towards a more transparent, innovative, and committed real estate sector.

Address: Calle de Diego de León, 50, 2ª planta, Salamanca, 28006 Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 562 40 33
E-mail: apce@apce.es
Website: www.apce.es

Xavier Vilajoana

Ukrainian Real Estate Club (UKRAINE)

URE Club is a real estate business association aimed to consolidate local and foreign experts and decision-makers with a global mission to drive the Ukrainian real estate market and improve its investment attractiveness and perception by international real estate players.

Since 2008 URE Club has been a platform where leaders can grow professionally and personally due to joint solutions to problems and by sharing best practices and approaches to real estate development, property and facility management, design and urban planning.

We are committed to:

  • Bringing top experts and leaders of the real estate industry together by conducting professional events and activities,
  • Sharing  first-hand and trustworthy information, which its members can refer to,
  • Encouraging and fostering positive changes in the real estate industry,
  • Promoting European values and standards of construction, property management and service provision among its members,
  • Exploring issues of urban planning and sustainable development.

Address: Starokyivska Str. 10G, 04116 Kyiv
Tel.: + 38 067 656 76 81
E-mail: info@ureclub.com
Website: ureclub.com/en/about_us

Olga Solovei

Home Builders Federation (UNITED KINGDOM)

The Home Builders Federation (HBF) is the voice of the home building industry in England and Wales. Its members deliver around 80% of the new homes built each year.

The HBF represents members’ interests in discussions with key decision-makers in government and during formal consultation processes, both nationally and regionally, on the issues that affect its members including technical, planning, economic and environmental matters.

Address: 1st Floor 27 Broadwall London SE1 9PL
Tel.: +44 (0)20 7960 1600
Fax: +44 (0)20 7960 1601
Email: info@hbf.co.uk
Website: http://www.hbf.co.uk/

Stewart Baseley