
501, 2021

Build Europe welcomes the Bulgarian Construction Chamber!

January 5th, 2021|

Build Europe would like to start 2021 by welcoming the Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC), which joined the Association as Observer member. The Bulgarian Construction Chamber attended several Build Europe’s conferences [...]

907, 2020

Stimuler la construction de logements en Europe post-Covid

July 9th, 2020|

Build Europe, la principale association professionnelle européenne représentant lesaménageurs, développeurs et les constructeurs de logements, lance aujourd'hui sa vision stratégique suite à la crise du Covid-19. Le logement: un défi européen est une [...]

1405, 2020

Letter to President von der Leyen

May 14th, 2020|

We are writing to you on behalf of Build Europe, the umbrella association representing national federations and tens of thousands of SMEs and family businesses operating in the development and [...]

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