Monthly Archives: May 2020

Letter to President von der Leyen


We are writing to you on behalf of Build Europe, the umbrella association representing national federations and tens of thousands of SMEs and family businesses operating in the development and construction sector right throughout the European Union. In its Manifesto on housing, Build Europe highlighted the importance of addressing the issues that prevent millions of [...]

Letter to President von der Leyen2023-12-11T09:33:48+01:00

Recommandations politiques pour faire face à la crise Covid-19


Mesures urgent et à temps limité Soutenir - financièrement et fiscalement - le fonctionnement de la chaîne d'approvisionnement du marché du logement en Europe Pour construire du logement abordable il faut des entreprises de construction de promotion et d’aménagement. Et les PME qui sont le socle de l’économie européenne    sont  gravement  et défavorablement touchés  par [...]

Recommandations politiques pour faire face à la crise Covid-192023-12-11T09:33:49+01:00

Build Europe’s EU policy recommendations to face Covid-19 crisis


Urgent and time-limited measures Supporting – financially and fiscally – the functioning of the housing market supply chain in Europe  Building affordable housing requires companies involved in building, promoting and planning housing. SMEs are the bedrock of Europe’s economy. They are being seriously and adversely affected by the economic shock caused by Covid-19. They require [...]

Build Europe’s EU policy recommendations to face Covid-19 crisis2023-12-11T09:33:49+01:00
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