Bundesverband Freier Immobilien- und Wohnungsunternehmen (BFW)
The BFW, Federal Association of Private Real Estate and Housing Companies, functions as the mouthpiece for private housing and real estate companies and is the political engine for the concerns of its members in Germany. Besides having their interests represented to politicians and administrations, the companies also benefit from the comprehensive service offering of the BFW. Reliable and favorable general conditions are a prime concern in the association’s work. Issues specifically relating to the real estate industry, including technical, planning, economic and environmental matters, are critically scrutinized and constructive solutions for the member companies are tabled in close dialogue with politicians and administrators.
Address: Französische Straße 55 D-10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 327 81-0
Fax: +49 (0) 30 32781-2 99
E-mail: office@bfw-bund.de
Website: www.bfw-bund.de
country: Germany