Team Showcase

Stewart Baseley


Home Builders Federation (HBF) The Home Builders Federation (HBF) is the voice of the home building industry in England and Wales. Its members deliver around 80% of the new homes built each year. The HBF represents members’ interests in discussions with key decision makers in government and during formal consultation processes, both nationally and regionally, [...]

Stewart Baseley2019-01-31T08:01:46+01:00

José Luis Roca Castillo


Developer and House Builders Association of Zaragoza (ACPZ) ACPZ is a business organization that represents the interests of developers and home builders based in Zaragoza (Spain) (the fifth city of Spain with 700.000 inhabitants). ACPZ is member of the Association of Developers and Builders of Spain (APCE) and the National Construction Confederation (CNC) and, through [...]

José Luis Roca Castillo2019-01-31T08:07:39+01:00

Liviu Iulian Simion


PatronatulSocietatilor din Constructii (PSC) PatronatulSocietatilor din Constructii (PSC), the Ownership of Romanian Constructors, is a nationwide association bringing together companies in the Romanian Construction sector. As the official partner of the Government and trade unions in the Romanian tripartite social dialogue committees, the PSC represents the interests of its members in this forum as well [...]

Liviu Iulian Simion2019-01-31T08:02:53+01:00

Grzegorz Kiełpsz


PolskiZwiazek Firm Deweloperskich (PZFD) PolskiZwiązek Firm Deweloperskich (PZFD), the Polish Association of Developer,s is a nationwide institution bringing together almost 40% of all developers of the Polish real estate market. The PZFD plays an important role in the Polish legislative field , effectively expressing its opinion and influencing the shape of legal provisions. It also [...]

Grzegorz Kiełpsz2019-01-31T08:03:25+01:00

Dag Runar Båtvik


Norwegian Home Builders' Association Boligprodusentenes Forening, the Norwegian Home Builders' Association, is the trade organisation for the residential producing companies in Norway. The association has nearly 800 member companies which account for over half of residential construction in the country. The Association is the leading voice of housing policies in Norway. Its activities are especially [...]

Dag Runar Båtvik2019-01-31T08:04:01+01:00

Sandro Chetcuti


Malta Developers Association (MDA) Set up in 2011, the Malta Developers Association (MDA) is the highest body and voice of private Real Estate developers in Malta. The MDA links private real estate developers to the relevant state authorities and to customers through numerous initiatives and activities. In particular, it promotes responsible development and ownership of [...]

Sandro Chetcuti2019-01-31T08:04:37+01:00

Andreas Ibel


Bundesverband Freier Immobilien- und Wohnungsunternehmen (BFW) The BFW, Federal Association of Private Real Estate and Housing Companies, functions as the mouthpiece for private housing and real estate companies and is the political engine for the concerns of its members in Germany. Besides having their interests represented to politicians and administrations, the companies also benefit from [...]

Andreas Ibel2019-01-31T08:05:04+01:00

Mrs Alexandra François-Cuxac


Fédération Promoteurs Immobiliers (FPI) Fédération des Promoteurs Immobiliers (FPI), the Federation of Real Estate Developers, dates back to 1971, when two French developers and house builders’ trade unions merged to become the National Federation of Developers and Constructors (FNPC), changing to its current name in 2005. The FPI is the only professional organization representing private [...]

Mrs Alexandra François-Cuxac2019-01-31T08:05:38+01:00

Serge Fautré


Union Professionnelle du Secteur Immobilier - Beroepsvereniging van de Vastgoedsector (UPSI-BVS) Union Professionnelle du Secteur Immobilier – Beroepsvereniging van de Vastgoedsector (UPSI – BVS), the Professional Association of Real Estate Sector has a long history dating back to 1956.It brings together developers, builders, and real estate investors in Belgium. The UPSI - BVS represents its [...]

Serge Fautré2019-01-31T08:06:06+01:00
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