
Build Europe Concludes Annual Congress with Productive Discussions and Appointment Andreas Ibel as New President


Sofia, 9 June 2023 – Build Europe, the association representing European developers and homebuilders, accounting for more than 60% of the EU’s homebuilding capacity, successfully concluded its annual Congress, which took place on 8 and 9 June in Sofia (Bulgaria). The two-day event, hosted by the Bulgarian Construction Chamber and Glavbolgarstroy Holding, served as a platform [...]

Build Europe Concludes Annual Congress with Productive Discussions and Appointment Andreas Ibel as New President2023-12-11T09:33:34+01:00

The EPBD needs to take into account the housing affordability crisis in the EU


Brussels, 12 April 2023 – Build Europe, the association representing European developers and homebuilders, accounting for more than 60% of the EU’s homebuilding capacity, has today published a letter calling on the European Commission to take into account the topic of housing affordability during the Trilogue negotiations between the European Parliament and Council on the [...]

The EPBD needs to take into account the housing affordability crisis in the EU2023-12-11T09:33:34+01:00

Lettres à la Présidente Ursula von der Leyen et au Président Charles Michel sur logement abordable et le G7


12 Janvier 2023 - Build Europe a informé aujourd'hui la Présidente de la Commission Européenne Ursula von der Leyen et le Président du Conseil Européen Charles Michel que, avec nos partenaires en Allemagne, au Canada, aux États-Unis, en France, au Japon, et au Royaume-Uni, nous avons demandé aux dirigeants du G7 et de [...]

Lettres à la Présidente Ursula von der Leyen et au Président Charles Michel sur logement abordable et le G72023-12-11T09:33:34+01:00

Letters to President Ursula von der Leyen and President Charles Michel on housing affordability and G7


12 January 2023 - Today Build Europe informed the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the President of the European Council Charles Michel that, together with our partners in Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the US, and the UK, we called on G7 and EU leaders to make housing affordability [...]

Letters to President Ursula von der Leyen and President Charles Michel on housing affordability and G72023-12-11T09:33:35+01:00

Letter to the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on Build Europe’s initiative in support of Ukrainian refugees


BRUSSELS, 11 April 2022 - Letter to the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on Build Europe's initiative in support of Ukrainian refugees. Download the full letter here.

Letter to the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on Build Europe’s initiative in support of Ukrainian refugees2023-12-11T09:33:35+01:00

Lettre addressée à la présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen sur l’initiative de Build Europe en faveur des réfugiés ukrainiens


BRUXELLES, 11 Avril 2022 - Lettre addressée à la présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen sur l'initiative de Build Europe en faveur des réfugiés ukrainiens Téléchargez la lettre ici.

Lettre addressée à la présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen sur l’initiative de Build Europe en faveur des réfugiés ukrainiens2023-12-11T09:33:35+01:00

Build Europe urges EU ministers to prevent a major housing crisis at the Housing Ministers’ meeting in Nice


Nice, 7 March 2022 – Prior to the European Housing Ministers' meeting in Nice on 8 March, Build Europe, the trade association representing European developers and homebuilders, is alerting governments about the urgency of reviving affordable construction in view of an upcoming worsening of the housing crisis. Access to housing for Europe's lower and middle [...]

Build Europe urges EU ministers to prevent a major housing crisis at the Housing Ministers’ meeting in Nice2023-12-11T09:33:35+01:00

Build Europe warns: “Reduced land availability threatens housing affordability”


BRUSSELS, 13 January 2022 - Build Europe, the leading trade association representing European developers and housebuilders, publishes today a report designed to help policymakers improve the use of land while protecting European citizens from rising housing costs. “No net land take by 2050 - Solving the unsolvable” includes 10 solutions from developers and homebuilders representing [...]

Build Europe warns: “Reduced land availability threatens housing affordability”2023-12-11T09:33:35+01:00

Build Europe: EU citizens deserve a cost-optimal and affordable EPBD revision


Brussels, 16 December 2021 – Build Europe has taken notice of  the publication of the EPBD revision.   Build Europe is positive about the fact that for the next eight years, until 2030, the minimum energy performance requirements for new buildings will not be sharpened, as NZEB would remain the standard. However, Build Europe urges [...]

Build Europe: EU citizens deserve a cost-optimal and affordable EPBD revision2023-12-11T09:33:36+01:00
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