Monthly Archives: March 2020

The European construction sector calls for urgent measures to protect workers’ health, support economic activity and accelerate the recovery


BRUSSELS, 27 March 2020 – Facing the Covid-19 outbreak, the world is fighting a pandemic of unprecedented proportions in modern times, currently causing a full-blown health emergency. We, the signatories European associations, represent the construction sector, an industry worth 9% of the EU GDP and employing more than 16 million Europeans. In light of [...]

The European construction sector calls for urgent measures to protect workers’ health, support economic activity and accelerate the recovery2023-12-11T09:33:49+01:00

Housing and construction sector must be protected from the Covid-19 crisis


Build Europe, the leading pan-European association representing real estate professionals in Europe, warmly welcomes the action taken by the European Commission in calling on Member States governments to develop targeted measures to protect EU citizens and sectors threatened by the current Covid-19 crisis. The Covid-19 crisis is currently affecting all countries in Europe and [...]

Housing and construction sector must be protected from the Covid-19 crisis2023-12-11T09:33:49+01:00

Le secteur de la construction et du logement doit être protégé de la crise du COVID-19


BRUXELLES, 20 mars 2020 – Build Europe, la principale Association pan-européenne représentant les promoteurs, constructeurs et aménageurs en Europe, soutient avec force les actions entreprises par la Commission européenne, notamment en appelant les gouvernements des Etats membres à mettre en place des mesures ciblées pour protéger les citoyens européens et les secteurs menacés par [...]

Le secteur de la construction et du logement doit être protégé de la crise du COVID-192023-12-11T09:33:49+01:00
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