Qualitel presented this week its barometer on the quality of housing in the presence of Alexandra François-Cuxac: “Quality of housing: territorial attractiveness issues? Where is it good to stay for the French? “

5,000 people were interviewed in rural areas, medium-sized cities and large cities. The perceived quality of housing is higher in small towns than in metropolitan areas (but with a bias related to the over-representation of tenants in these cities). The surface appears as the first criterion of satisfaction; conversely, respondents in these same small towns deplore degraded access to transport, shops, services and the internet. In large cities, the perceived quality is all the stronger as the park is recent: a strong argument in favour of new construction and renovation of the existing, to maintain their attractiveness.

Source: https://fpifrance.fr/actualites/qualite-du-logement-enjeux-dattractivite-des-territoires-ou-fait-il-bon-se-loger-pour