Like any economic actor, the developer must be an attentive observer of society, to adapt its production to the expectations of its customers. Ageing, shared services, ecological awareness or the digitisation of life and work guide our thinking, and this is legitimate. But an essential dimension remains in the shadows: health. For 82% of French people, health should be one of the government’s priorities for the coming months; “healthy housing” is the second criterion for choosing a dwelling, behind “a comfortable and pleasant habitat”; we spend 60% of our time in our home and 90% inside a building, hence the importance of a healthy habitat.

Spontaneously, we tend to think that it is primarily a subject for the old park (mold, blood lead, asbestos etc.) because the perceived quality of new housing (Qualitel barometer) is high. For all that, health must remain for us a point of vigilance and constant improvement because the indoor air can be contaminated by the outside air (if it is itself polluted, in town for example) by certain materials (hence the appearance of labelling on the issue in the air of construction products) or by our activities (sleep cleaning …). Other aspects than indoor air are also to be taken into account: the quality of both natural and artificial light, and especially the acoustic comfort, which acts on the quality of sleep.

Symptomatically, the sanitary issue appears more and more in ZAC competitions, in an approach that goes beyond the only housing to affect urban planning in the broad sense (fight against pollution, greening, reception of active mobility etc.) .

According to a recent Promotelec study of connected objects in the home, indoor air quality control devices are among the most progressing equipment intentions. An additional indication that, for our customers, healthy housing remains a subject of vigilance. It’s up to us to adapt our offer to offer healthy, comfortable, energy-efficient housing while controlling production costs. ”

Alexandra François-Cuxac
President of the FPI France
